Bayan Programming Contest

Bayan Programming Contest

Elimination Round

Thursday, 1 November 2012، 02:04 AM

Hi everybody!

Time for Bayan Programming Contest 2012/13 — Elimination Round.

The problemset has been prepared by Bayan employees. We've tried our best to make it interesting, competitive and a little-bit different! We'd like to thank Mike Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov) and Gerald Agapov (Gerald) who helped us during problemset arrangement process.

The contest is individual and will be held with ACM-ICPC rules. It will be having English statements only. Also, it will be rated for Div-1 contestants, but we expect Div-2 participants to enjoy it as well.

This round will be a 3hr round with 7 problems to solve. Just like most of ACM-ICPC contests, problems are not supposed to be sorted in order of difficulty. Also, the registration will be open until the end of contest, so be sure to double-check the timing.

Top 20 participants will be invited to the onsite event — Tehran, and Top 100 will be receiving T-Shirts.

Just to emphasize some rules, avoid participating with more than one usernames. Also, you should not collaborate or contact anyone about the problems.

Good Luck!

UPD: The contest is over. Congratulations to all the winners, specially:

  1. tourist
  2. cerealguy
  3. rng_58
  4. peter50216
  5. Egor
  6. kuniavski

Because of unusual calculation of rating for this contest. The rating will be updated with delay.

  • 12/11/01