Bayan Programming Contest

Bayan Programming Contest

Bayan Programming Contest warm up round 2014-2015

Thursday, 2 October 2014، 09:51 PM
  • Bayan warm-up round will be held on Sunday, October 5th 2014, 13:00 (UTC) and as indicated before, it will be held on Codeforces. Warm-up round is not a required round but top 50 are going to win t-shirts and it is going to be rated for both divisions.
  • We have tried our best to make the problem-set interesting and competitive and we hope you enjoy it.
  • It is necessary to have a complete profile on before the warm-up round! And please do make sure you have selected the correct t-shirt size!
  • We have upgraded our contest platform, and we've made sure everything is stable, tuned and robust now. Thanks to all those who helped us test the unstable version!
  • The unofficial Shortcut! Round is now accessible to all, so you can check the standings and the problems.
  • Qualification round which is the first official and required round of Bayan Programming Contest 2014-2015 will begin on October 19th so don’t forget to register right now at if you haven’t already.
  • We've created a twitter account to publish Bayan Programming Contest news. Now you can follow us @bayan.
  • 14/10/02